SERMON: Sunday Second Service – God’s Divine Presence [II] – 23 August 2020
Ministering: Apostle Adekayode Salako
Topic: God’s Divine Presence [II]
Text: Exodus 33:14-16
The first thing God gave to man is His presence. We need the presence of God to get the best from God. The evil things happening in the world is the proof of a lack of God’s presence. The presence of God is very vital and it is the best thing that can happen to any man under the heavens. In our anchor scripture, Moses asked God for His presence. The presence of God brings demarcation and separation, so much so that when things happen around you, men can conclude that indeed God is with you Acts 2, Peter preached with boldness.
The presence of God is very valuable. When you lack God’s presence you can’t proceed further. Everyone must crave and desires it more than anything. The presence of God gives you extra, when others say they can’t proceed, yet you are still bouncing.
You must always carry the presence of God. The secret to breakthrough and fulfillment of destiny is traceable to the presence of God.
When you are a carrier of God’s presence, you cannot be ignored. Manifest presence of God is key to your success in life.
What guarantees our winning in life is God’s presence. All you need is God’s presence when we experience multiple attacks. You are sick, distressed? Call on God’s presence.
My question to you; do you have God’s presence?
Someone can lose God’s presence, Adam and Eve lost it. Psalm 51, David prayed for the restoration of God’s presence.
Conditions For God’s Divine Presence
1) Coming into a relationship with God, we mean intimacy with God. Your relationship with God, will establish His presence in your life. John 3
2) A lifestyle of holiness and righteousness. Matthew 6:33; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Chronicles 20:15-24
3) A lifestyle of praise. Psalm 22:3, Psalm 100:1-4. You can’t access His secret place until you come with praise. Whoever offereth praise glorifies God. When you give God glory, He will come around you with His abiding presence. Complain doesn’t change anything, rather it complicates issues. Anytime you praise God, His presence is aroused to fight for you.
4) The word of God can activate the presence of God. God and His word are the same. The weight and the power of every spirit is in their word. Gen 1:1. When you stay with the word of God, you stay and fellowship with God. The strength of God is quickened in your mental body.
5) Sacrificial giving. Solomon gave and activated the presence of God.
Points to Note
1) Satan cannot manifest his presence everywhere, but God can manifest His presence everywhere.
2) When God’s divine presence is with you, what took men 10 years to achieve, it will take you only 1 year to achieve it.
3) When we receive the presence of God, wonderful experience becomes the order of the day
4) Your Spiritual path qualifies you for God’s presence.
5) There are three realms of God’s Divine Presence:
a. The Omnipresent God- God Who is ever present
b. The in dwelling presence- when you accept Him as Your Lord and Saviour, He lives on your inside
c. The manifest presence- It is the practicality and the manifestation of God’s glory that someone can feel and touch. By the virtue of one who carries the presence of God, things will go well even if it was meant to go bad.
6) For God to continually walk with a man, he must live a holy life, there must be an agreement with your lifestyle. Amos 3:3
7) It is important we walk in holiness and righteousness to enjoy God’s presence. Psalm 24, Psalm 15:3
8) When God’s presence goes with a man your going gets smooth.
1) Lord by Your presence, beginning from this moment, activate my helpers for me in the Name of Jesus
2) Lord I ask for Your manifest presence, beginning from today let Your presence distinguish me
1) I pray for you, the things that will happen around you, will show God’s presence
2) Receive grace for hunger for the word of God
1) The Lord said He is breaking every evil pattern in your life